I have had digestive issues most of my life. I had to have some of my descending colon and the bend before the descending colon removed. my doctor said I had the most movable colon he had ever seen. I also had to have a rectocele done. I am having pain in my lower back, not kidney area, way lower. It feels like it is in front of the left side of my pelvis bone, closer to the center of my body than the outside. I have pushed and poked on my lower left back to feel for muscle soreness and feel none. when I push on my back where it hurts, inside my body, it does not hurt like a muscle and I feel no pains outside or inside. But... when I sit, stand, bend over, even get up to walk I feel the pain on the inside of my body. I had a c four years ago, only uterus removed, but this pain isn't in the ovary area either not even close. I know where everything was before my surgery (many tests and x-rays and scans, etc.) but have no idea how my large intestines were routed once they removed what they removed. I have been looking at images on the web and my pain seems to be located in the area were your lower ileum, descending colon, and sigmoid colon should/would be located. I don't want to make something out of nothing but with the problems I have, all the time, I am a little concerned. this is a new pain for me in an area I'm not use to hurting. I did think it was muscular at first but there is no doubt in my mind now that it is definitely internal. I have an appointment with my family doctor next Thursday and i will talk with him about it then. I just don't want to over look something that could be bad. The pain is not excruciating but it has gotten significantly worse over the past three days. Its more than just bothersome now and with it getting worse I would like a professional opinion, if you could please.
Thank you very much, Renee'