For some time now I have had left flank pain, and then pain on both left and right. Currently the right flank pain has really ramped up. When I do the test of lying on my back and lifting up my head, it doesn t hurt on the right side anymoer (even when palpated), but if I press on right side without my head/neck elevated, I nearly scream out. I ve had this kind of pain off and on for a long time, but it s getting worse. It hurts very badly when I strain, like when I cough or the like, as well. But pain is also constant on its own, but not as severe as when coughing or straining. I have endometriosis and IBS . I believe when docs hear that they assume it s more of the same. But this feels different. I ve lost weight recently without trying (5 lbs in 5 weeks), have intermittent nausea , and fatigue . But a CBC done 2 months ago showed all okay except very low vitamin D . Been taking prescription Vitamain D for several weeks now. I m tired of not knowing what this is, so I can treat it. Thoughts?