I am a 55 year old woman, not overweight, generally a good diet, and no other health issues other than slight raise in blood pressure. Currently studying - my favourite thing to do. And no other stresses really. Almost four weeks ago I had a three day bout of diahhrea and fairly bad lower intestinal pain, but the fourth day I was 100% and bowel motions came back to norm immediately. Didn t see doctor. Since Sunday, I have again had quite severe lower intestinal pain (slightly to the right), and diahhrea for 5 days now, but symptoms last for about 6 hours then abate for a similar time. Diahhrea recurred this morning after two days break and even a fairly solid but strange-looking stool the previous day. 3pm yesterday I took Tinidazole and felt good last night, but pain and diahhrea came back today. Medical tests of full blood count, tests for rotavirus and other bacteria and paracites, and a stool sample showed up nothing but a moderate neutrophilia . (Stool sample had blood within clear mucous). I have booked in for a colonoscopy in 4 weeks. Should I go back to the doctor or might it gradually subside with time. I had slight fevers on two nights and have had intermittent nausea and generalised lower back and stomach pain especially around the rectum area. Also uncomfortable distention of the whole bowel and colon area.