I m 15 years old. My periods started, when I was 11 but they are not regular. My first period was in May 2009 and the second one was June 2010. Doctors said that was normal. But now I still have some mayor time between periods. Third period was in April(3-8) 2012 from there on it goes: May(13-18) 2012, July(15-22) 2012, September(29-5 October) 2012, November(4-11) 2012, December(10-16) 2012. And there has been no more. I was in the hospital in May 2012 right after my period. I had a really sharp pain in my stomach . They didn t figure out what that had been. Second time I went to the Hospital in October 2012. Again it was the same pain. They ran so many tests. I visited like 4 Cynecology doctors. Again they never figured out what that was. They said that everything was ok and there are no complications. So my question is: Is it normal to have periods like that? Is there something wrong with me? Will I be able to have kids someday?