thank you for your query.
hemmorhoids are vascular structures in the
anal canal which help with stool control by acting as cushions.when swollen they are called piles.
they are a commonproblem worldwide but definately require attention.
the device the doctor used to examine the hemmorhoids is called a proctoscope.
the test required for hemmorhoids include
1.rectal exam
colonoscopy is not required in your case.it is done only if the bleeding is sever and persistant.
for now conservative treatment can be done.later if your gastroenetrologist fells surgical approach is neccesary it can be taken.
till then i advise
1.nutrition rich in dietary fiber
2.uptake of oral fluids to maintain hydration
3.non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (
4.sitz baths and rest
thank you,
you can contact me for any further queries