I am 65 yr, old female. Never used to have headaches. Now having very bad daily headaches in the morning, afternoon and evening. Responds to aspirin/tylenol and cool eye patch. Head ache is usually on right side involving base of skull up and behind the right eye. Brain feels like there is extra pressure(like when you bend over). Vision has some echoes. Can read the letters, but they look like there s a bit of shadow too. Went to eye doctor, everything ok, right eye has improved from 20/40 to 20/30 since last exam. This has been going on since June 2012. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in Nov 2012, and use a CPAP, but headaches have continued. Family history of heart disease and strokes - both father and mother. What could be causinig one sided headaches, should I see neurologist?