My dear vgomathi,
You do not have any problem to get pregnant, you actually got pregnant several times.
The problem is that these pregnancies do not continue.
You are a case of recurrent
pregnancy loss, which affects 1 in 300 couples.
The good thing is that after several pregnancy losses, the chance of having a viable birth is greater than having another pregnancy loss, even without treatment. Also the prognosis may improve dramatically if diagnose and treat the underlying cause.
There is a big list of investigations and examinations to diagnose the definitive etiology, though sometimes we don't reach the diagnosis and give imperical treatment.
At first we should exclude paternal chromosomal abnormalities and anti
phospholipid antibody syndrome, then we search for endocrine and anatomical abnormalities.
In the event of pregnancy loss, tissues should be obtained for karyotyping.
If there is difficulty doing all this, I recommend the following:
Folic acid 4mg supplement daily.
- Low dose
aspirin 81 mg daily once there is a positive pregnancy test.
- heparin 5000 I.U subcutaneously every 12 hours once there is a positive pregnancy test.
progesterone support either intramuscular or subcutaneous.
I hope these words be usefull to you and I wish you the best of luck.
Dr. Ahmed Bahaa.