CDear Doctor, my son has been treated w/various antipsychotics over the past 4 1/2 years while living in Croatia.He suffers from major psychotic depression and has responded favorably to electro-stimulus treatments for his condition,whereas when antipsychotics were administered he suffered from a major crisis of neuroleptic malignant syndrome(CPK 5,000). He was immediately taken off all antipsychotics and flushing out his system was begun. He was doing alright at home w/only a small daily dose of valium(Normabel) which he would take on occaision. However he had a relapse w/ deteriorating condition characterized by not speaking,eating and drinking only minimally and anxiety w, drooling. frequently he would display a state of confusion and be oblivious to his surroundings. Lorazepam 2mg dosages are being considered w/ eventual ES treatments.However it has been very difficult to arrange this in Croatia. What is your sense of what is happening to my son,Luka? What can you suggest given this brieand incomplete history of illness?Yours,a very worried and concerned father.