Hi ! The last time you got relief from pain by using ganaton and
omeprazole points to
hyperacidity as the cause of your pain abdomen. Now that it has recurred, I would like to know about your food habits. You should avoid spicy and fried oily foods, apart from increasing your dietary roughage and liquid intake. You should go for a routine
stool test, which may show ova/cyst of worms/amoebae. If they show up , this could be the reason of the symptoms coming back, and the treatment will be staight forward by your family doctor.
If it persists, then you should go to your family physician who may suggest an ultrasound abdomen of yours to exclude any hepato
biliary disease.
However, if the symptoms persist, then you may have to consult a gastro enterologist who may suggest you an endoscopic evaluation of your gastro intestinal tract to exclude
helicobacter infection and treat you accordingly. Till that you can continue with omeprazole 20 mg twice a day, and ganaton 50mg three times a day.
Hope this helps you. Wishing you an early recovery.