My husband has a bad back - the 2nd to last disc is completely gone, so he's got bone on bone rubbing together. His last MRI was done over 8 yrs ago. Friday, he bumped into something, got his shirt caught, twisted the wrong way, and fell straight down. He is experiencing a different kind of pain than normal - his lower back is slightly swollen on the left, more swollen in the middle, and extremely swollen on the right (generally his pain is on the left, and swelling in the middle). He was unable to get up by himself. Luckily, this happened right in front of the bed, and we were able to roll him over, and slowly got him upright, and back into bed, on the heating pad. Saturday afternoon, his muscles loosened up enough to crack his back when he turned a certain way, and claimed he felt better. Sunday, he's been vomiting and having diarrhea all day, and a fever. He had bad dreams all night last night, so didn't sleep well. I'm wondering if the two are related. He refused every offer I made to go to the ER or the clinic...