Hi, i am having some extreme digestive problems and, so far, no doctor has been able to help me. I am a very healthy individual, juice vegetable juices most days of the week, eat salads, greens, legumes, gluten free, dairy free, and exercise 5-6 times/week,mostly running, but some weight classes too. Past two months i've been experiencing extreme bloating and constipation, but not constipation in that the stools come out small and hard, but more where i feel the urge to go, go sit down and.. nothing happens, or only a little bit comes out and i completely can feel there's "more", but it just won't come out. I've never had this before.... 3 weeks ago i saw one doctor who told me to drink more fluids (isn't 100 oz. a day enough?), and start taking senna twice a day, along with miralax every night and ducolax suppositories. i didn't want to do this, i don't WANT to become dependent on laxatives, but felt my body needed some sort of relief, so started.. i had some relief, but never was able to fully evacuate my bowels, even with all the laxative support. Saw my other doctor last week who ordered a colonoscopy (i'm 43, so this will be my first), and told me to not take the laxatives anymore... so i stopped. If i don't do anything though, i am extremely uncomfortable and feel i can't wait til next week's colonoscopy. Last night i did an enema, and that helped empty out a lot. This morning, as i do every morning, i drank a large mug of hot water with lemon in it, then ran 6 miles. I am still bloated, but i know i emptied everything out last night (at least, THIS TIME, i'm fairly certain everything came out). I'm also extremely hungry, or at least feeling like i've got hunger pains. What is wrong with me? My thyroid has been tested, i'm not pregnant (though, on most days i'm looking about 6 months), i'm drinking plenty of fluids, eating very nutritiously, and exercising.... but this has been going on for about 2 months now, gradually getting worse...Do i have a parasite? ...... Don't parasites usually cause diarreah?... what is wrong with me?.... HELP!