Hello Doctor,
I am currently in a dire life crisis. As a young naive eighteen year old, I did not know what I was searching for in life, and more importantly, did not recognize the effects of my actions. Being turned down by female counterparts and lacking companionship, I considered that I might be homosexual and had unprotected anal sex with a transsexual. Since then, I have realized that I am heterosexual and have nightmares of the occurrence, possibly destroying the rest of my life with my current girlfriend and future career. Over the past six months since the encounter, I have taken five OraQuick in home HIV exams, and since all came back negative, I thought that I had been granted a miracle. Only days after having the relief of being HIV free after my fifth in home exam, I popped what I thought to be an ingrown hair directly above the base of my penis. Wishing it to be acne puss or blood, a clear liquid drained leaving an open sore, and since then, I have had two red bumps roughly three inches apart appear above my genitals on my lower abdomen: one just a irritated looking red bump and the other a small irritated indentation. On my penis itself, I have a microscopic skin colored bump where the circumcised skin on the penis meets the shaft. I completely realize that I should just visit a doctor, but with the profession that I am entering, I cannot afford to have a STD or worse yet have a relatively harmless chronic STD on medical record. I thank you for your time to read this and appreciate any insight that you can give.