Hi doctor. May I ask you some questions about my symptoms?
Just today again, I’ve got serious headache, a lot of nauseas, very blurred vision, slight dizziness, cold hands and feet with body sweats. I thought I was dying because I couldn’t get up, sit, think, even couldn’t speak a word out. I lied on the bed for 4 hours trying to sleep but could only sleep for 1 hour. I must lay silently, not move my head because whenever I move a bit, my nausea and headache got worse. This is the third time since I first realized these symptoms in April 2013. The first two times of these symptoms both happened in April, after that there were some times I had slight blurred vision and nauseas but not other symptoms, so I thought I would be ok and I did not go to see a doctor. But today all of them occurred together again. This is really a big trouble if I am at work.
What disease do the symptoms normally imply to?
Thank you in advance!