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Yes, you can get headaches due to eye problems. Glaucoma usually harms the
optic nerve, it causes high pressure inside the eyes, resulting in blurring of vision, vision problems,
peripheral vision loss,
1. Get clinically assessed to detect from which glaucoma test you are suffering.
2. Undergo all the screening tests that the
ENT specialist may require to do.
3. The treatment will depend upon the diagnosis and severity of the ailment. You can be either treated with medicines or surgery.
4. Change your lifestyle, avoid smoking, get more active.
5. Eye exercises under an expert and help you get rid of squint.
1. Pain in the foot is often caused due to uncomfortable foot wears, the arch or heel of the foot gets hurt.
2. This is planter
fasciitis, neglect my worsen the condition, the foot may get inflamed. Take rest.
3. Wear footwear which are comfortable. Chose the ones which are cushioned and have comfortable archs.
4. Analgesics and pain relieving oitment and sprays can help.
5. Do calf and foot muscle stretch exercises to strengthen your foot.
6. Wash your feet with warm water before going to bed.
Take care.