Hello. I suffered from a cold in early March. This cold lasted for about 10 days, during which I had clogged ears. This went away.
Then in early April, two porcelain dishes slammed together close to my ear, and afterward I felt some discomfort and a mild pressure in my left ear. My ear has felt this way since.
I saw my ENT several times. Prescribed me Flonase. I had a hearing test and ENT read results and said my hearing is fine. Told me to keep taking Flonase.
I lost my health insurance, so I can't see my ENT again for a while. It has been almost 2 months and no relief from pressure sensation in ear.
Any advice?
Note: I also have a mild, roaring tinnitus (it sounds like when you put your fingers in your ears). Can only hear it when it is very quiet. Do not know if this is related, have it for over a year.