Hi, I'm a 17 year old female who has had bulimia for 7 years and anorexia for 4. I do smoke a lot and drink far too much coffee, my immune system is pretty out of whack as well. I'm 5'4 and weigh 90 lbs.
About 3 weeks ago I started to feel my heart beating in my chest quite heavily- even after only light exercise- and started becoming increasingly short of breath. A week later I was completely bed bound for 2 days as it hurt to move my muscles and I had a fever. Over the course of the next week my health improved, but I developed pressure across my chest and a ripping feeling when I breathed out all the way.
Over the past few days my heart has been pounding pretty much constantly, I also have a constant mild pressure pain on the left and centre of my chest and have been suffering with migraines, aching and weakness and a chesty cough (although that could just be from smoking and has been constant for the past month)
I got my blood test results back yesterday and my potassium levels are at 2.6. Is it likely that this is the cause? Or could it be something else (like a chest infection)? How concerned should I be?