Thanks For aproaching.
Purines on breakdown in the body,produces uric acid . Purines consumed in the diet account for about 50 percent of the uric acid produced in the body. Therefore, avoiding foods high in purines or following a modified purine diet may help improve uric acid levels.You should follow these considerations in your routine diet:
- Restrict meat/fish/poultry intake
-Avoid alcohol and processed foods
-Lose weight if
-Exercise regularly
-Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
Restrict foods high in purines - Organ meats such as
kidney, heart ,all processed meats such as sausages, hot dogs.
Spinach, asparagus and mushrooms are all high in purines or can contribute to a rise in uric acid levels
Avoid fish and shellfish ,Meat & yeast extracts brewers and bakers yeast .
Avoid excess of Paneer or cottage cheese ,soya .
Recommended foods to eat - Fresh cherries, strawberries, blueberries and other red-blue berries
Vegetables including cabbage and parsley
Foods high in bromelain (pineapple)
Foods high in
vitamin C (red cabbage, red bell peppers, tangerines, mandarins, oranges, potatoes)
Low-fat dairy products
Complex carbohydrates (multigrain breads, cereals)
Being overweight appears to be the most common determining factor for excess uric acid production. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a healthy weight.
When you begin to lose weight, the kidneys are more able to eliminate uric acid and in some cases, the production of uric acid by the liver is also reduced.
Take care,
Dr. Tanju khurana
Ayurvedic Doctor and Nutritionist