I am 33 female. For the last few days I have had a heat sensation( feels like a hot spoon is put on the outside) on the top of my left breast. I have no pain, redness, tenderness,rash,lump,or nipple,or lymph problems. When the sensation happens it is several times a day, and only last about 5 seconds. The area does feel a little warmer to the touch at the time. I have breathing problems and when I get alot of mucus it take weeks to get over it. I have had alot of coughing and mucus in the past weeks and am basiclly over it now. I do not know of any diabetes or deseases. I have an irregular cycle,last one was 40 days, the one before it was 28 days. If I were having a 28 day cycle this time today would be the 27th day of the cycle.My mother is a breast cancer survivor, she was diagnosed at 37.