I would urge you to look at this situation from some different angle.
"Would the obstetrician deliver my wife in such a way the my wife and my baby, both will be safe and healthy?" This should be your outlook.
Eating lot of fatty food by mother would not make the baby oversized. Looking at the weight of your baby, I would avice first to get your wife checked for
Pregnancy Diabetes. In such cases, the babies are
Now coming back to the
Caesarean section. This surgery is required mainly for two main groups:
1. Non-recurrent causes like placenta in front of the baby's head or
drainage of the water around the baby, etc.. These conditions may not repeat in each pregnancy and hence the subsequent pregnancies may not require the caesarean section if the mother's pelvis is adequate for the head of the baby.
2. Recurrent causes like narrow pelvis passage for the baby, asymitrical pelvis canal, etc. In such cases, the abnormality is permanent and hence everytime casarean section will be required.
The moto of Obstetrics is to deliver the mother in such a way that mother and baby - both are safe and healthy.
So please do not starve your wife to make the
baby underweight and weak. Let her eat nutritious balanced diet, make the baby well matured and grown, does not matter if she requires caesarean section again for any obstetrical indication.
My dear friend, remember one priniple. In my childhood, there was a saying, 'Once a Caesarean, always a Caesarean!' ; But now it has changed to 'Once a Caesarean, always a Hospital Delivery!'
Please give attaintion to the health and safety of the mother and baby rather than the mode of delivery. Take her to any Institutional Hospital for her delivery.
I hope, I have counselled you properly. If any further clarification is required, you may contact me directly, on phone or by Premium question.