I stopped having my periods 3 months ago, and started losing weight, and hot flashes. I thought I could deal with it, but really trust my gyno, and she did bloodwork proving that I was starting menopause. She prescribed the combi patch, and I did not feel any different for two weeks. I actually did not realize how depressed I was, since I feel so much better mentally now. I also started my period again after the second week using the patch, and gained some weight back. Breast tenderness does not bother me so much, but I have had lower back pain that is now better, but feel that the pain is now in one leg. I do not have the excessive hair loss that I have read about, and although I do have very thick hair, I hope that does not happen to me regardless. How long do women usually stay on the patch, and how do we know when we should stop the patch. Do things get better in a few years into menopause?