Hi. I'm 31, I take Aderall XR, 30 mg every morning followed by another 10 mg, IR in the afternoon. Here recently, I've started smoking more, I hate it!! The past few days, I haven't slept well. So I know I am exhausted. We've been outside burning yard stuff at night in the cold, etc... I raked a ton of pine straw last night. While breathing in nasty smoke. It's been cold out but I always where proper attire, etc.... My bp at the doc office is always great...
So my worry, anxiety perhaps, comes in because I've had a deep cough all day. Then chest pain, this a.m. A little on the left, now just the right side. It's more like pressure. Once reading side effects, of adderrall Ive terrified myself. My heart rate is 72 a min. Due to my itchy throat, and I have horrible allergies....I'm not sure if I've come down with walking pneumonia or if adderrall is the culprit.
I've now scared myself reading online, I don't want to sleep. I only took a 10 IR at 2 p.m. So nothing is active in my system.