Thanks for contacting HCM. Dear patient your BP levels are borderline and you have probably used an electronic BP measuring equipment which are usually not very reliable. Please get your BP checked by a doctor using mercury sphygmomanometer. This will give you correct diagnosis. Usually
diabetes doesn't present with any symptoms and is discovered accidentally during a routine examination. Some cases may show some of these symptoms- sudden weight gain or loss, delayed
wound healing, delayed recovery from common
cough and colds, increased thirst, increased frequency of urination etc.
To keep BP and diabetes under control you can try following-
1. Reduce salt intake in you diet especially Chinese food, sauces and pickled. High salt intake can lead to
high blood pressure.
2. Avoid fried, starchy, refined, sugray and junk food.
3.Eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and salads.
4. Eat nuts regularly especially almonds.
5. Avoid white bread and white rice.
6.Ear frequent small meals.
7. Avoid
smoking, tobacco use and drinking.
8. Use olive oil for cooking and dressing.
9. Sleep for atleast 6-8 hours a day.
10. Exercise daily. Do some aerobic activity for atleast 40 mins a day.
11. If you are
obese then losing weight will really cut down your chances of getting these diseases.
12. Meditate regularly. Find out from different methods pf medication what really suits and practice it daily. Regards