blood pressures below 140/90mmHg are considered normal. What is important is to make sure you measure your blood pressure accurately. You should be calm, in a resting position for 10 or more minutes and let the extremity rest on a table at heart's level. Make a couple of measurements or more if you keep getting different results every time. Your correct blood pressure is the lower of all measurements. Always use an approved device to make sure that measurements are as accurate as possible.
When you're certain that you've done what you could to make an accurate measurement, write the result down, stating the date and time as well. Early morning measurements are usually appropriate and easy.
After a couple of weeks you should have enough measurements to more confidently decide whether you have a
hypertension problem or not.
Judging from the results you provided I believe you won't be proven hypertensive.
In any case, cutting down on salt consumption is the healthy way to go.
Introduce physical activities to your daily schedule, if not contraindicated by other medical issues.
Watch your weight and eat healthy!
When you've gathered some measurements you can write again and let us know of the results.
Kind Regards!