Hi. Every 4 months I have one...and I mean one..facial black hair that needs to be plucked. When I pluck it, I do see the root. I have done this for several years. My last plucking, I believe within a few days afterwards, I have a white, large, puss filled pimple occur. This is consistent in the same spot (I think), yet haven t monitored occurrence every time I yank one. This is just a thought. Is it possible that my plucking can be the cause of this recurring pimple? I do have rosacea and use Neutrogena Naturals as a cleanser, Metrogel 1 time a day and Finecea 1 time a day. I don t use make-up unless I absolutely have to...maybe once every 3 months and have checked out my brands of make up with my dermatologist which is fine with her. I never aggravate any of my rosacea pimples/postules/outbreaks. I just let them do their own thing and hope for help. Never did I think I would every be fighting to retain self diginity.