a cosmetic surgeon lifted my eyebroes by cutting me just abouve the eye brows, and left ice pick scars . some months later he created zigzag scars only worsening the scars. i asked for a subsision and fat transfer and he performen that correction, which did not work. i went to a hair transplant surgion to have the scars covered. an earlier surgeon had created a mess and had 3 unsucseful operations as hes plannung was so poor that he left temple scare that look like his stitches came appart sometine soon after his surgery. his surgery created an asymentic bolge ybder my chin. have had 2 unsucsserful goes, he decided to cut me from under the chin to my neck. adain he overtightened and again his stitches came appart so i am left with a horrible scar under my chin to my neck. this was all done in england and i have since learned that a cosmetic surgeon can set up a studio without the need to me qualified. in desperation i have been using a derarollar and it has certainly help to a degree the scar under the chin. i have to be extremley carful when shaving. the two scars over my eye brows are so embarising that i refuse to visit family as they will certanly asj what has happened. i would like to know if i can add something to the derma roller to help level the scars over my eyebrows. it had been 2 year since the 2nd idiot created the scars, as i have learned that his meathod is 20 years old and the very last meathod to use to lift your brows. i feel so anoid as i had gone in to see him about the bulge unger my neck. his surgery was a neck lift only any that was all i would have needed from day one. the 1st surgeon charged me £9,900 for an unessisery face lift. i was in the hospital where both cosmetic surgeons operate from (somethimes) and i found a phamplet whith quoted £5,7000 for a face fist. the 1st surgeon who has overcharged me £4,200 never answers my emails. i am to decent a guy to sue incompitent surgeons. i am australian and i have never reseaved such mistreatment. i could go on with more horror stories but will leave it to just the cosmetic surgery. so i would like to know: i have just had hair transplanted over the sars and the transplated hair can be seen, but they are insuficent to cover the scar. i trust the hair transpant surgeon, who has said that in nine months he will add more hair if needed at no futher expence. i would like to know if i can have dermalogen or cymetra injections, or fascian [or rascain] and for restylane injections. living in england, i am bound to quoted some ridiculus amouts for these injection, but what is the going rate for these injections? the other option is self help by usind a dermaroller, but i respectfuly ask what to use with it to fill the scars and make them level and no longer an icepick. can i use vitamin e oils or sunlower oil as it has vitamin e and some other thing that looks like steroid. i remember that surgion 1, gave me a steroid injection where he created the scar inder my chin. it is not an ice pick scar. it s a scar that has been coused by his stitches coming loose and he even told the sister in front of me that he always over tightens. thank you Gentlemen.