i am rima , 16 years old , i always feel very deep depression , i don;t have friends and my family don't understand me , i always have a feeling that no one loves my and every time i try to get close to a friend he /she just dump me and it feels horrible , sometimes i hear and see things that when i ask someone if he hear or saw anything they say no ! i'm always confused and i always feel i want to vomit , i'm planning to have anorexia nervosa and i try to hurt myself by any thing , i even cut , and tried suicide more than once and every time i wake up realizing i'm not did .. i feel more lik,a failure and i always feel guilt for anything even for my birth , i hear gothic and heavy metal and i always wish death , i've lost enjoyment in everything i do or used to enjoy , i really hope that i will get help but i don't need any words that tell me that nothing is wrong everything is gonna be okay and this shit :) thank you