My questions: 1. Is there a blood test or some other type of test that can be done to recognize a cancerous organ or bone in a home situation.? 2. Do you know any form of transportation available for the following person? My son is 53yrs old, 6 2 , 260 lbs. He has been diagnosed with deteriorated hip joints and knee problems. He fears he has cancer. He was scheduled for an operation on both hips for Dec., 2012. He was unable to get transportation to the appointments for surgery----because his knees both will not come together or even close together, he is unable get into a wheel chair or anything else we were able to come up with to transport him. He is in extreme pain if he tries to lie down. He lives in a recliner, struggles with a trip to the bathroom with crutches. His shoulder joints seem to be bothering him more and more. He has had two lower back surgeries, one stomach surgery (blocked intestine due to scar tissue formation caused by the last back surgery which was done through the stomach). He has SS disability, medicare, and supplemental insurance. Please ask if you need any further information. Any additional suggestions you may have would certainly be appreciated.