Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query heI am a Parent Educator and just visited an 11 month old that I have concerns for. Briefly, mom was on methadone during pregnancy, currently diagnosed with bipolar and add. First Parent Educator noticed baby not being able to track and an involuntary movement of the eyes. Mom took to eye Dr. and found baby had ptosis and nystagmus. I visited last week and these are some things a say that concern me: startes easily-gets very upset, not sitting up on own, can roll, but not movtivated to roll towards toy. Lies on back and will pick head up, but doesn t try to motivate. Will not take ANY textured food, rapid eye movement while staring off into space coupled with strange hand wiggling (a lot) when child was shown a toy that spinned (like hypnotis revovling black white thing) his eye jiggled and he instanting starting crying hysterically (mom reports he does this every time) I m very concerned, mom very scattered, family very low income. Just your thoughts on these things as a whole pointing to something? Thanks so much