Hi, I have a red raised itchy rash in the inside corners of my eyes, under my nose, under my bottom lip and on my neck. Initially it starts out just red and tingly, but then begins to itch. The rash eventually crusts over and subsides around a week after appearing... What could it be? It only ever attacks my face and neck and is centered, never touching the outer of my face.
This occurs roughly 3 times a year. At present this is my second flare up in a week.
I have been tested for a multitude of allergies, been told it's contact dermatitis, allergens, urticaria and stress rash. My current doctor tested me for auto immune diseases and whilst I do not test positive for any, I did have a 1/200 result which he says is a positive.
My previous medical history is prior under active thyroid, this lasted for roughly 6 months but was apparently not severe enough to warrant treatment. This has since corrected itself.
In my last lot of bloods, one year ago, the auto immune was discovered and also my liver was not functioning correctly. I also had low vitamin d.
I was prescribed prednisolone - 25mg and instructed to take 2 per day. These work after a few days, but once I stop I generally get a second attack twice as bad straight after.
Please help - frustrated!