Hello and welcome to healthcaremagic
Whiteheads or closed comedones are the precursor lesions of inflammatory acne.
The treatment of acne mainly revolves around topical
retinoids, topical
benzoyl peroxide and topical antibacterials. Topical retinoids (e.g supatret gel) are comedolytic and thus first line drugs in the treatment of acne, they also prevent new comedones. Retnoids also lighten the hyperpigmentation/black spots left over after acne resolves, so it has multiple advantages in acne
Benzoyl peroxide is
keratolytic and antibacterial and also helps to prevent development of resistance to the topical antibacterials like
Doxycycline is an oral antibacterial as well as antiinflammatory and mainly used for inflammatory acne.
You could use a
kojic acid based preparation for black spots left over after acne.
Always use a broad spectrum sunscreen 1/2 hr before stepping out in the sun
Besides it is important to know that acen is a chronic condition and you need to use a topical retinoid for maintenance of improvement till at a particular age , when the tendency for new acne formation dies down.
Hope this information helps