I hit the top of my head on the roof of my car on the drivers side as I was getting in 3 wks ago.
1 week later, I gradually started to feel pain in my right middle ear, headache's occasionally, hurts to chew on food and swallow and when my back teeth grind. I went to the ent doc coz I had forgotten about the incident with the car.... I thought I may have had an ear infection. I did not.
so now... after it dawned on me what happened since it wasn't an ear infection, or teeth issue or tmj... I was feeling the top of my head and realized it kinda hurt on top... that is when I recalled the incident etc etc and put the rest of the symptoms together.
do u know if it will go away on its own? or what can I do to heal it? thanks
That's what the ent doc said but he didn't know of the car incident, since I didn't think about it then which I had gone to him 2 wks later after hitting my head.and I just realized it this morning..