I am almost 21 years old, female, I am a little over weight due to a poor reaction to my new birth control , but this is a recent development and was not an issue when this started. It has been about a year that I have been having this issue, starting while I was pregnant with my son. As far as my medical history , sorry if it seems a little lengthy but this all happened recently and is most likely relevant to the current issue with my body :( I was generally healthy until recent years. I was the type of person who was athletic, never got sick, etc. I gave birth to my daughter at age 18 with little to no complications. We then found out the hard way that my body doesn t respond well to birth control. Immediately after I was given a 5 year IUD and a couple months later got pregnant with twins. They had to remove the IUD and I lost the twins at 5 1/2 months. Barely 3 months after that, while on the pill, I got pregnant with my son. I had to stop working at 3 months pregnant due to severe abdominal pains that sent me to the hospital from work. It was discovered that I had a uterine fibroid about the size of an orange that was fighting for space with the baby and causing me lots of pain. So I stopped working and tried to take it easy. Then the chest pains started. It is absolutely terrifying! It comes on suddenly with no warning at all. The best way to describe it it that it feels like someone has stabbed me through the right side of my chest and out the shoulder . Every time it specifically feels like that stabbing pain in the front of my chest and in the exact same spot on my shoulder behind it. Also if feels as if I can t breathe. I have literally found myself unable to move fearing I might die or lose the baby because it was stuck gasping for air in pain. This has happened anywhere from 30 seconds to several minutes. The longest being a terrifying stretch of nearly 20 min in passing waves. I went to the hospital after that time and of course once we got there the pain had stopped and they could not find anything wrong. The doctor expressed that he did not think there was nothing wrong with me just that he was unsure how to go about finding the source of the issue. It is much less frequent now that my son has been born but still happens. I just don t know what could be the problem. The only current medication I m on is Depo birth control, however it has been several months since my last shot and I do not intend to get another I know it can be in my system for a year.