Dear Sirs,
Look further into bee venom treatments for the knee, see below collection of letters online.
Bee venom, when injected by individual honey bee stingers highlights or contaminated or attaches to calcium-based
plaque laminates formed by immune system in skeleton joints of the body. Honey bee venom can give full relief in patients with
arthritis of the hands, feet, knees, elbows and even peyronies of the penis. Of course there are no bones in the penis, but none the same my body´s immune system continues to place plaque there-- laminates of calciumâthus rendering the penis useless to its owner!
I know this is to be true, for I have had both arthritis of the hands and penis years back. I am free of these diseases or discomforts, currently, but still must capture a few honey bees and inject their venom into selected parts of my body each monthâto remain free of calcium-based laminates my body´s immune system continually lays within my skeletal body joints.
It is important to remember that honey bee venom is not useful on the shelfâin either pills or liquids! Why is this true? Bee venom is time sensitive and can only be applied directly from the bee stinger itself. Bee venoms travel across the connective tissues, and sort of coat the tissues alone the way. It travels in all directions like other venoms, not true for medicines issued by needles and licensed medical doctors! So by converting time sensitive bee venom into other forms like pills or liquids in a bottle, the venom is made useless to the patient.
Bee venom travels in all directions from site of entry, and it coats all the connective tissues and bacteria, and virus and calcium-based plaque laid down by the immune system in selected parts of the skeleton body jointsâlike hands, feet and the male penisâeventually rendering these parts of the body useless.
If the above has any usefulness to your website browsers and members, please look into this further. The key words to start searching the internet are: peyronies, beesting, beesting2, BVT
With these four key words, you will easily find several letters posted by Beesting. There is enough information in these letters to get started, if BVT self treatments appeal to your needs to be from arthritis or peyronies. In conclusion, I am free of these two diseases for now.