I am 17 years old, and weigh between 150-160 lbs. i have 2-3 scars around my right ankle. before they were scars, they were "tunnels" in my skin. that was about 6-7 years ago. i do not gain weight, no matter what or how much i eat. my cardio is not as good as it should be according to my body shape and size. i get tired quickly/easily. i think that there could be species of worms and/or parasites living inside of me. what do i do about this issue? --more: i havent had a hallucination about this, nor do i eat unhealthy foods. my diet contains fruit, fully cooked meats, rices and vegetables, not a lot of sugary foods, but i do not regulate my calorie intake. i am sorry if this issue does not seem realistic, but the subject/title was my theory as to what's wrong with me. please help, to anyone who replies, and please try to be polite when posting, as this is a real issue i am having.