I am 32 yrs old married man. I am having problem of dizziness and snoring in sleep. Firstly i want to talk about my problem of feeling dizziness in sleep. when I am trying to sleep and laying on my bed I feel like dizziness and it s also happening when I turn and sleep position in left or right. Suddenly i got a feeling and shock like dizziness. and immidiately i turn my self and lay on my straight position. I am little scare about diziness. I had start this problem 2 yrs. before. When i was sleeping at night well but suddenly i was awake and went to toilet and then come back again and I was trying to laying on my bed, when I put my head on pillow and I was laying down on my bed. something was happen wrong like that first time in my life. It was too dangerous event in my life. I had come dizziness it was very fast everythin was moving roundly like a rolling machine i was so scared at that time i felt like that at thime i will be die i can t control myself i Just close my eyes when i tried to open it again everything was moving round it was so fast like a machine after this i couldn t sleep all nite. It was mid nite time i couldn t go to any doctor at that time. I just controlled myself and just doing pray to my god all nite and i spent that horrible night and i didnot sleep at that nite when I try to kept my head on pillow it will increase too much dizziness come then in the morning firstly I went to doctor, He check my b.p. it was also increase at that time coz of it, the doctor give me medicine and it s said it was cause of my ear water im balancing problem and after I was not be normal in this stage till 2 months. but i feel improvement slowly slowly, but in first week i had continue having dizziness come in walk sleep and all the time but after one week it would be decrease i just had problem at that time when I slept and moving my neck or sitting down and sit up at that time. I took medicine of my doctor then after my health was improved but i still didnot forget that event in my life now 2 yrs was gone sometime i felt dizziness like that when i sleep in one position i feel ok but when i sleep on turn in left or right side position some time i felt like this i m having dizziness then suddently i change my position then i sleep straight i think i will not change my position i would be again have dizziness like before it was too dangerous now 2 days before i got a little dizziness like before i just controlled myself I want ur consult of your this site. please tell me about it what happened me how can i forget this event and i would be normal how to stop this dizzing problem in my sleep and i have another problem came from few months I m doing too much snoring in sleep so plz i want ur help i hope you understand what i want to say after read this i m waiting for ur reply