Holy Crap (Last Anon) Your just mean and Rude. Obviously too your female. I will admit I am Female as well. and Trust me..a lot more then you think, we just dont go around to all our friends and talk about it. And hey, when you dont get attention from girls (Seeing as I was the same way, just a girl who didnt get attention from the guys) I turned out to be similiar..just I dont have any problems other then liking sex a lot. LOL Anyways. Sex is for reproduction yes, but it was also given for two people who love each other to enjoy themselves. Im sure that God (if you believe such) who knew all, knew we humans would end up having fun with it.
Why is medicines or Herbs or something not an option. If its a hormone imbalence then you need to take something to balence the hormones back out..once they are balenced, they should stay the same, unless your body completely stopped producing them. You should see a Dr. Dont worry. I had to see a Dr too, I have PCOS.
Im sure this is strange coming from a Female..but Whatever. Take the Adivce if you want. Im just trying to help..
sex isa in mind not in genitals. you will get to mood than only you will be able to do sex. so it is not the stop of mastrubation or some pill which will bring you the desired effect. it is how you approach the problem. if the erection is too weak it may have the reasons. if it is not because of hormaonal balance than it will get fixed itself. if it is because of the hormonal due to some inner disease than it needs to be fixed
first of all you are a disgusting, horny young man! sex is to produce children. females don't masturbate to that excessive amount... may the good lord strike you down for being a terrible lover and it is your own fault you shouldn't have jacked off so much and started so young.... buy a t.v and keep it in your pants junior!
No I am not A Dr, but I did grow up in a hospital pretty much and all Im doing is giving adivce and my opinion. If he wants to take it, thats fine. If not, he doesnt. That doesnt give people the right to come on here and bitch people out for seeking help...
In reference to the 2nd reply from the top:
I am 23 year old female and I have been masterbating since I was about 16. It is a healthy release of neglected sexual tension and it is fun. I have no shame in admitting it, either. Maybe you should try it...you know where to hit and you know how rough or gentle to go.
Maybe you should try masterbating a little before you have sex. Just to get yourself going. My fiance sometimes has to do the same thing. If you still have some issues, I would suggest talking to a doctor and seeing what they have to say. Good Luck!