Hematoma on middle of front leg half way between the knee & ankle. I am a 61 year old female. When I was 9 years old I was running & fell on a concrete step hitting the front of my left leg in the middle, between my knee & ankle. It didn t break the skin but caused swelling. I remember my mother putting ice on it. I still have a soft bump on this spot to this day. I got it checked by a doctor one time years ago & he said it was a hematoma and that if it didn t bother me to just leave it alone. It hasn t bothered me until recently. In the last week or so it sometimes hurts when I walk. I have two golden retrievers and walk them twice a day for about 20 min. each time. This morning, when I walked them, it was fine but this evening, it bothered me half way through the walk & I had to limp a little on the way back. Now that I m in a recliner, it doesn t hurt at all. I m hoping it will just continue to be ok, as it has for the last many years. I haven t bumped it so I don t know why it would be giving me trouble. Do you have any suggestions? I live in Sebring, FL, which is in the middle of the state and about 2 hours from each coast & one and a half hours south of Orlando. Thank you. Sincerely, Helen Bogus hbogus@earthlink.net