Age 20 Female I have three swollen and painful nodes around my groin area and my upper thigh. two on the right side, and one on the left side that developed later. I went to urgent care, the doctor prescribed a antibiotic and a antiyeast medication even though they did a UA and my results came back without any infection, std etc. Today I went back in because I had gotten a sore on the outer part of my vagina. The doctor said it was an ingrown hair , I figured as much because I know I don t have an std, and have been tested. He also checked my nodes again, and told me he would prescribe medication for them. He prescribed doxycycline . I looked this up online after i got home and it is just another antibiotic. But i dont have an infection!! My nodes havent got better. this medicine is just making me feel tired and dizzy. I just want to know what the heck is wrong with me!? Has anyone else had enlarged lymph nodes in their groin area, without having an std or infection? I m scared to death this is something serious.