If you aren't 18 yet, then you're on your parents health insurance or you're eligible for Medicaid in 50 states, and you're on yahoo answers USA so unless you posted your question in the wrong place, that medicaid info applies to you.
It sounds like you've already decided that these symptoms you have MUST be a
heart attack and I don't know how willing you're going to be to accept any answers that contradict your theory.
nosebleeds, amidst many other reasons that I know of, could be a result of
high blood pressure. But you've had them since forever and presumably have been to the Dr. at least once between the time that they started and now. So if they have been caused by high blood pressure this entire time then it would have been caught. Besides, nosebleeds would be just as common as an
aneurysm anywhere else in your body if the cause were blood pressure.
If these episodes were heart attacks then you would also have had cold clammy skin, it would have been hard to breath and it would have hurt so much that you wouldn't have been able to sit there and wonder whether it was actually a heart attack or not. You would have also felt incredibly weak.
The symptoms you've listed sound more like
indigestion than heart problems. Eating healthily(beans, dairy) can upset your stomach, cause gas(which explains an enormous percentage of upper torso pain even in your shoulders or back), and if your diet restricts any one major food group then you could experience anything from anemia to hyperactivity. Indigestion, in addition to the nation recognizing the obesity problem by publicizing every vaguely obesity related heart attack they can find, is probably causing you anxiety. Anxiety can give you every symptom in the book, numbness and tingling in your limbs is extremely common, tightness or heaviness in your chest is another common one, cold sweats and and a feeling of impending doom are symptoms of a
panic attack but they are also the symptoms of a heart attack. However, in a panic attack you would be hyperventilating and with a heart attack it would feel like you were literally too weak to breath, you would probably even fall down.
You're supposed to take an aspirin at the first sign of a heart attack, so next time you feel symptoms, take one aspirin. If you have problems with bleeding then more than one aspirin could be bad, because aspirin thins your blood out.
Try to just concentrate on breathing slowly and relaxing the muscles in your body the next time you feel those pains. If it's indigestion you could try taking tums or
pepto bismol, it could at least help you rule out possibilities which is the right thing to do if you truly want to find out what's wrong.
Good luck, I hope everything works out for you.