At sixteen I was diagnosed with severe anorexia. I was 5'4'' and 87lbs. I had dropped from 135lbs to 87lbs in one winter (from November to January) I lost so much weight that I had no period and I was starting to grow a fine dark colored fuzz all over my body. All I wanted was to be thin, and I took it to the extreme. I understand that you want to be thin, believe me! But I'm 20 now and have recovered from my eating issues. I am trying to put on weight because I am still not at a healthy weight. I am 109lbs. and still 5'4'', I want to gain weight because I look like a skeleton with skin. I eat 8,000 calories a day, but because of what I have done to my body in the past I just can't gain weight. You are at a completely healthy weight, and I would love to get to 118 lbs. At sixteen some girls still have the "baby fat" around their belly... if that is what you're concerned about, do ab workouts to burn it off... eating healthy is great! But just be careful. If you want to lose weight, don't lose more than 3 or 5 lbs. You are going to look ill. I know that some of your friends might be smaller than you, perhaps they have a more petite frame than you, everybody has a slightly different build, someone 5'3'' that weighs 118lbs will look heavier than someone 5'5'' just because of the height. So quit worrying about how you look, if you were morbidly obese or something I would worry, but you are TOTALLY FINE!
You definitely need to concentrate on your self-confidence & not your weight! 118 lbs is rather a slight build in my mind as well as the majority of the world's mind. Did you know that muscle weighs more than fat? With that being said, expect to gain some weight whenever you start a new exercise regimen. You don't want to waste your time focusing on a number that shows up on your scale! Look in the mirror & look CLOSELY... You'll see a very slender, attractive young lady staring back @ you. Give it a try sometime! :)
As a man I'll give you some advice. Leave your weight the fuck alone. If men find you attractive, then you're just fine. No need to go all Kate Moss on yourself. Quit being a shallow bitch and worrying about making yourself look like your friends.
I want you to look at this post and read it completely, ok? Here goes:
I am 16 years old and I weigh 115 lbs. I have not had a period in a long time. Wanna know how I lost all of it? I pretty much starved myself from 147 pounds all the way down to 112 in 5 months. Now, I wish I could be your weight. I swallow peanut butter, nuts, 5 bowls of oatmeal, and protein shakes every day just so that my body doesn't remain as fucked up as it is now. I wish my weight was more like yours.
Don't do this to yourself. You'll always regret it.
if you want to be skinnier work out but dont not eat it looks bad im a very horny 13 year old kid beileve me
L.O.L I weigh the same weight as you, and im 9!!! You are totally okay~everyone thinks im like 80-90 pounds, maybe the reason why you seem big is because your body is built big, try piching your thighs, if you can't touch your bones more than an inch away, that proves you're fat, so try deiting-eat 3 meals a day, and no snacks, for height, grow some more-im 5 inches away from being your height, and 5 ppl in my 4th grade class is the same height
Wow. You're fucking stupid 9 year old.
She's probably done growing, and she doesn't need to be on a goddamn diet.
Shut the fuck up before you give her ideas that will ruin her life, you ignorant cunt.
I hope you die from an ED.