Hi there - last night, my 20 month old baby slipped and fell, not sure how hard she hit her head (I only noticed once she was laying and screaming) As I picked her up and tried to comfort her she had what looked like a fit, eyes rolling and going squint and she then lost conciousness for a few seconds, it was very, very frightning. My husband took her and somehow she regained consiousness, withing a few minutes, she was her old self again, running around, singing etc... we took her to ER and they checked her pupils, heart rate etc, and found no reason for concern. My question is, how would I determine if the seizure was caused by the fall (possible bang to the head) or because of the crying fit (Breath Holding Spells). This is the first time something like this ever happened and I am hoping there won t be a repeat, how do I handle this if it happens again and as she is at nursery school during the day, I am really afraid that this might happen again and her caregivers won t know what to do... Please help - any advise? Nandi