Hello, I am writing because I received a root canal on my last (rear) molar on my lower jaw 12 days ago and was told at the time that it likely contained some sort of infection underneath the tooth. 24 hours later I started developing sinus drip and congestion as well as fatigue which by the morning of day 2 was a standard cold. My cold symptoms, however, have been more severe and long lasting that any cold I've ever had. My sinus congestion was so bad I had a constant headache as well as constant itching/burning in my sinuses and non-stop pre AND post nasal drip. I began using a Neti-pot twice daily, taking sudafed (12 hour tablets) once daily, as well as 220mg Aleve twice daily and have had to continue taking these medications/treatments every day since. For the first 5-6 days I had very swollen and sensitive gums around the root canal site which couldn't be brushed or touched and had to chew on the other side of my mouth. I saw a doctor after day 4 and he confirmed an upper respiratory infection with no need for antibiotics but said my gums shouldn't be so sensitive and swollen. My sinus congestion is still mild, but the burning/itching and pre-nasal drip have all stopped after 1 week of symptoms. I am concerned now because I began developing a sore throat and tongue at the same time as my sinus symptoms started leaving and it has gotten worse every day since. For the past 5 days now I have had enlarged papillae on the rear of my tongue which is sensitive to touch as well as throat itching and a mild couch. It has been difficult to swallow, as the pressure on my tongue triggers acute pain each time. I am seeing my dentist in 2 days to have the permanent crown installed and was going to address these concerns then, but am becoming increasingly alarmed the difficulty swallowing and a recent diagnosis of geographic tongue which my dentist noticed the day of my root canal. I also should mention that I stopped smoking cigarettes (after 5 years) the day before my root canal and have not smoked since.