I have looked everywhere to find something with my symptoms and I cannot. Please be aware I am seeing an MD for this, and I have been on an Event Monitor for 1 month. My follow up is in a week.
My heart sometimes beats in a rhythm similar to this. First it is normal, then pauses, then beats faster, then normal. Hopefully this will help you understand what I'm saying.
Ba-bump Ba-bump Ba-bump Ba-bump (long pause......) BA-BUMP babumpbabumpbabumpbabump and then repeats about every 10 seconds.
It will repeat this cycle about every 10 seconds. When it happens I can get light headed and feel I need to faint. It also makes me extremely anxious and keeps me up at night, because I have a fear my heart will stop when it does this.
Does anybody else have this? Can you please tell me your diagnoses or lead me in a direction so I can understand what it is. This is not just straight forward bradycardia, its something different.
I already explained that I have been on an Event Monitor which is a longer version of the Holter Monitor (30 days) and I have eliminated caffeine from my diet.
Donna B.
Yes it increases on inhaling, decreases on exhale, every time.