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Oxyelite pro is a herbal medicine used as a weight loss remedy.
The irregular and frequent
menstruation and clots you have been experiencing can be attributed to uage of Oxyelite pro. Because it is known to cause menstrual irregularities in some women. Even
rapid weight loss also causes menstrual abnormalities which mostly presents as delayed periods.
Oxyelite pro acts on free fatty acids and is known to have some effect on female hormone synthesis ( estrogen and
progesterone), there by causing irregular and frequent periods.
Please stop taking Oxyelite pro, as continuing the medication might worsen your condition ( atleast in your case). Your periods should become normal with in a month or 2 after stopping oxyelite pro. IF the bleeding is severe then using
antifibrinolytics like
Tranexamic acid 500mg and/ or Progesterone will help you. You might require to take
Oral contraceptive pills to regularise your periods. These are to be used after consulting Gynaecologist.
Meanwhile get your hemoglobin levels checked as you are passing clots. Please take iron rich diet and might have to take oral iron supplementation.
Seek alternate methods of losing weight either in the form of diet modification and physical exercise.
Hope you got the answer you were looking for.
Wish you a speedy recovery.
Dr K. Sai Rajesh