Hello, I am 27, married, 2 children (both delivered by c-section, last child born 4 years ago and had my tubes tied). For the last 2 years I have had irregular periods and I ve tried the pill to see if it was hormone related with no lasting luck. I ve had regular paps which all came back fine-nothing showed up at all. These last 6 months or so though have been terrible, my periods have gotten much closer together (sometimes I m only off my period for a week out of a month) and when I m not on my period I often spot a light brown/purple colour-mainly after sex and when I wipe. Not only do I have the irregular periods I am bloated constantly, I m having bad indigestion , I m tired and irritable (not at all normal for me), dizzy quite often and generally feel unwell. I m waiting to see a obgyn and hoping she ll find out something but I m driving myself a bit crazy worrying and waiting and I wanted to know if anybody else could give me a possible reason why this may be happening? Thank you in advance.