Hi I m 21 years old. I don t know what to think anymore. I went to the doctor about 5 months ago(end of October 2013) and the doctor said I have a hernia. I had a lot of pain and he said it s a hiatal hernia. I was on medication for a month and it worked(so after that month I didn t use medication again). I didn t have any pain since then. But since about the end of December 2013 i noticed a bit of a hard area around my belly botton(like a doughnut shape and the belly button being in the middle). But these days i look pregnant! I took a few HPT since about the end of January 2014(2 tests a week) until yesterday(18 March 2014) and all of them are negative. I also missed my period for about 4 months now(that is why I took the HPT thinking I could be pregnant, but I m not). I am also experiencing a bloated feeling between my ribcage and belly button(Making me think it could be Epigastic hernia). When I lay down or sit, it feels like a baby kicking and I can see like movement(esspecially before and after meals and mostly in the evening when i m just chilling for about a month now). I do not have any other symptoms to make me think im pregnant(cravings, nausea, vomiting, sore breasts, ext.). Please if you can give me any advise. I do not have medical aid so for me to go to the doctor is a bit difficult. Thanks in advance