Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
This looks to be about your friend or a family member.
The cause of bloating can be an
intestinal obstruction and thus raising the intra-abdominal pressure so much that raises the blood pressure for which you are already taking medicines for.
IF the thyroid test looks low, this needs to be corrected by use of Thyrox or so under the care of a Doctor or better a
I would advise for the following in such a situation:
Get the patient to ER for urgent clinical evaluation, preferably by a
General Surgeon.
Ultrasonography of abdomen.
X-ray of the abdomen in standing position.
Tests of blood, urine and stool.
If needed admission to the hospital, intravenous fluids and antibiotics.
If there is no relief with conservative treatment further course of management as per the decision of the Surgeon.
Also needed is proper management of
hypertension and cardiac evaluation in full and proper management.