i had surgery nov 26 for adhesion removal. after the surgical glue came off, one of my laprascopic incisions was not fully closed. my doctor cleaned it out and said to keep the steri strips on and to come back in a week. it oozed the entire time. I was on antibiotics (2 different ones) during this because it was infected. I went back after the week was up and it still had not healed so he asked me to come back the next morning so he could stitch it up after cleaning out all the necrotic tissue. stitches were in for a week but there was still an area that was not closing. stiches came out after the week was up and he realized it wasn t going to work. he took an instrument and cleaned it out again with nothing to numb me. he covered it and said come back in 5 days. when i went back there was still no improvement. he said he needed to take me back to surgery to do a wound revision to close it. I had the surgery on 1/10. he stapled the incision. he took the staples out on the wednesday following the surgery (5 days after). things looked great and the incision was closed. the next morning i woke up and part of the incision had opened. I was upset. I went back to see him, crying and fearful, my steri strips were soaked with blood so i changed them because they were not staying on due to them constantly being wet from the blood oozing, he told me to stop worrying and that it would close. well that was this past thursday and now its Sunday and I woke up this morning with the strips falling off again and wet with blood. i dont know what to do anymore. I was tested for diabetes and its negative, it doesnt appear to be infected either. not like last time. but it is not closing. i dont want to go back because he was not happy with me coming in the day after he took the staples out, because i was crying and upset. do I need a second opinion. and is it common to have yet another wound dehiscence after the revision surgery to close the first one?