My fiancee 32 y/o female bumped the back of her head and neck where the cerebellum is and she had taken one trazadone 50mg, I found her on toilet passed out lips yellowish, pupils dilated, sweating, unresponsive at first and snoring non stop even after being woke up, we went to er, she only fell back about 12inches slumped backwards against wall and metal shelving over toilet! I didn't think it was enough force to cause a concussion or traumatic brain injury or a mild stroke! But they did a ct scan and it come back fine at ER! It has been over a week and she still has vertigo,, dizziness, nausea, can't sleep or eat well! We have a neurologist appt, mri, and cardiologist appt., her hearing is moving from one ear to another sometimes, left side of body is in pain sometimes( hit on rt hemisphere of brain/neck), she says she feels like she's on nitrous oxide, slightest movements of head even chewing food makes her very dizzy! She needs help doing anything, even going to bathroom, she is using a walker now! We don't know what is wrong with her, please help, she is walking very slow and can't even think straight sometimes! Help, what treatment is there for this???? Thanks, David Wright