Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
If your mother no longer menstruates she is not capable of
pregnancy at age 52. At all. Short of
in vitro fertilization or women who have had a recent pregnancy (within 2 years) 52 year olds do not get spontaneously pregnant.
In a woman of your mother's age, symptoms normally associated with pregnancy can actually be signs of real medical problems. Increasing size of the abdomen with pain can be a sign of cancer, both of the ovaries and the GI tract. Large tumors and fluid in the abdomen can also make an older woman look pregnant. Fluid in the abdomen can also be caused by
liver disease
So I seriously encourage both you and your mother to abandon the thought of her actually being pregnant (which is really not possible) and make sure she is evaluated for her enlarging abdomen by a regular
medical doctor. She should at least have a
ultrasound or
CT scan of her abdomen to make sure nothing dangerous is going on.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful.
Beat wishes to you and your mom,
Dr. Brown